Coming up with creative ideas for Valentine's Day gifts is not always easy. Here are some ideas to help get you get started!
💗 Favor bag filled with trail mix, nuts or popcorn
💗 Mason jar with a few care items like chap stick, bubble bath
💗 Six pack of a favorite craft beer or favorite wine
💗 Heart shaped cut out cookies
💗 Bubble bath or bath bombs
💗 Sampler pack of hot sauces (to keep things spicy!)
💗 Small Lego set
💗 Cozy blanket for snuggling
💗 Set of teas or hot chocolate
💗 Small potted plant or succulent
💗 For men a jar or gift bag with items such as beard balm and cologne samples
💗 A card game that can be played as a group or as a couple
💗 Leave sticky notes with heart felt messages around the house, car or lunchbox
💗 And of course, last but NOT least - CHOCOLATE! :)